
Dating in children with autism spectrum disorder

Dating in children with autism spectrum disorder

Dating in children with autism spectrum disorder

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Dating in children with autism spectrum disorder

17 Jun 2019
Children with high-functioning autism are often diagnosed later because the symptoms of autism are less pronounced.
In this process, they may not receive special training in a timely manner. Early cognition and group placement make it possible for children to learn and practice skills that will be effective experiences.
The theoretical and practical context of this training is positive based on the approach of psychology and has obvious obvious abilities and capacities to enrich.
In addition to a thorough understanding of the nature of autism and its related realities, it is important to pay attention to the developmental abilities of a child with autism and to enjoy teaching them. The successful experience of the children in foster skills and enjoy the participation and interaction with peers, a window of hope to the families and the educational and health Gshayd.dr this training, a greater emphasis on encouraging behavioral coaches. Incentive systems used in meetings of the stars at the end of class, according to the number of stars earned, children receive awards Knnd.mvzsh indirectly helps children in a relatively free and pleasant to learn, discover and Exercise. The techniques and methods of art therapy that are used during group work, according to the educational purpose of each activity and the ability to perform in a special group, are special. Performing techniques in this group include group play, storytelling, drama, music, painting and painting, working with dough and flowers, collage, and painting. It gradually shifts from simple and easy activities to more complex and difficult ones. Symbols taken from the PECS method are used to introduce the program in each session. An important benefit of using these images is that children practice timing and regular sequencing in the classroom as well.
In other words, children discover that any activity done at a certain time and completion activities, focus on the next job will be. That coordination among the members of each group and the abilities and skills of children with autism high-performance, evaluation and assessment done of children in groups according to their own and interact with, the more interest Bbrnds·h stage of training in order to upgrade the skills of emotional, social and cognitive removed. Attention to sensory-motor and verbal skills is also one of the goals that are addressed during the programs. Although these skills overlap, pursuing them in separate blocks leads to deeper learning.
• Emotional block: At this stage, introducing the early children to the group space and communicating with the members gives the child the emotional excitement that the child is experiencing. Happiness, sadness, fear, shyness and anger are some of these emotions.
• Social Block: Learning social rules, establishing proper communication, observing shifts, interacting with servants, participation and cooperation in the group, are important to focus on. The emotions learned in the previous block are also taken into account in the form of social application situations.
• Cognitive block: Cognitive and intellectual problems of children with autism in the three basic subjects of the theory of mind (,) Theory of Mind Central Function Executive () Executive ()
To keep pace families, explained the objectives and activities of each session for parents. These blocks preferably by the end of individualized education provided to children to enter school ready to Bashnd.albth for those children Participating in these courses can be useful if you have entered the school without taking these courses and have serious problems in social relationships.
Group teaching of emotional, social and cognitive skills to children with Asperger's and high-functioning autism

Block 1: Emotional Skills:
The skill and understanding and expression of emotions from the first months of life can be followed.
Through emotions, the infant perceives the world around him and also expresses his inner experiences to others and the environment.
Research suggests that people with autism in emotional skills, considerable problems Darnd.nqs in perception and emotion recognition in children with Asperger's and high-functioning autism, causes problems in social and cognitive areas .
If the child is not able to correctly recognize his inner emotions or express them properly, he will have serious problems in expressing his desires and circumstances. This weakness in turn, underlie many forms in social interactions and communication with others. In the cognitive component and express their emotions, key in communicating with others, understanding emotions, thoughts and their conditions.
In the autism spectrum disorder, there is a cognitive problem called a defect in the theory of mind that causes the child to be unable to look at others from a different perspective. This has to do with not understanding the faces of people and their verbal and non-verbal messages. Given this, the reactions the child shows to others are not appropriate. A child who does not understand the feelings and circumstances of others well;
It may not be appropriate "empathy" and in cases where it is necessary to react regularly to the situation, this child will be indifferent to the issue. On the other hand, it is possible to engage in unpleasant behaviors without considering social distances (closeness or distance, family or acquaintance, or friendship). For example, approach and hug his mother and father with strangers he does is not based on the study, virtue, Bagherian, Pouretemad and Shafiee, group training emotional skills to children with Asperger's and high functioning autism can make progress and improve understanding and emotional perception in them, and this, improving behavior and reactions in social interactions provides Knd.mvzsh group to help children in addition to a deeper understanding and application of the concept of thrilling, hands-on experience with peers and below The opinion of the coaches. Members are an important element in encouraging the child to attend these meetings. If the child is in the meeting space, you will feel happy and relaxed. Therefore, in the initial sessions of group training, the excitement of happiness is given priority and programs are designed to reduce children's resistance and create a safe and happy atmosphere. (see brochure training skills, emotional, social and cognitive) activity enjoyable and creative offers children's character based art, painting, crafts, music, collage, stories and fun for children in the administrative template
Emotions and appropriate reactions and behaviors are taken into consideration.
Emotional management skills require understanding the situation and performing appropriate behaviors that require proper understanding and consistent practice. The right amount of emotion and excitement will be more pronounced in different situations in the form of play and performance. Social distances close relationships with family members and with friends, teachers, neighbors, family and distant relationships with strangers Gyrd.mvzsh emotional studied as a group, a good introduction to interactive learning and effective participation and consider rules in Faced with autism spectrum disorder, a child lacks the skills to make friends. A normal child's perception of friendship changes over time, but a child with autism spectrum disorder often has a vague and unusual perception of a friend. Dating skills are a skill that contributes to a child's overall development and well-being and is beneficial to his or her future life.
At the same time, creating new relationships is equally stressful for everyone. Imagine for a second you were transposed into the karmic driven world of Earl. Therefore, they may have little friends or avoid talking to others and other social interactions.
There are guidelines for parents to guide children with autism spectrum disorder to find new friends and maintain friendships. The following are some examples:

1. Assess the child's needs
Some children with autism have deficiencies in social skills. Recognizing skill deficits and performance deficiencies is critical to determining the most appropriate intervention. Performance impairment is whether the child can perform other tasks, responsibilities, and other tasks in relation to different people and at the same time. As a child who can only talk and communicate with his parents and not communicate with others, social skills should be abused and abused in the field. Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have functional and behavioral problems due to lack of skills.
2. Help the child understand the concept of friendship.
Provide an appropriate context for the child with autism to understand the quality of the relationship. This principle is very important for the child to distinguish between relationships. For example, some children with autism spectrum disorder may perceive a friend as a bully and aggressor. You should first explain the concept of friendship in conversation and in simple language. For example, say "I love someone who is kind to you." you also have the children questions to ask, such as "you love who in the park play" of course it's also consider that instead of spending so much time to explain the concept better friend ample opportunities to interact with others Develop a child and at the same time teach him the skills of making friends in order to establish a positive relationship.

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