
The effect of color in the educational environment for children with autism spectrum disorder

The effect of color in the educational environment for children with autism spectrum disorder

The effect of color in the educational environment for children with autism spectrum disorder

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The effect of color in the educational environment for children with autism spectrum disorder

15 May 1400
The effect of color in the educational environment for children with autism spectrum disorder
Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by abnormal verbal communication behaviors. Symptoms of this disorder appear before the age of three. This disorder is more common in boys than girls. This disorder affects the natural development of the brain in terms of social interactions and communication skills. Children and adults with autism spectrum disorder have difficulty with verbal and nonverbal communication, social interactions, and play-related activities. This disorder makes it difficult for them to communicate with others and the outside world. In some cases, self-harming and aggressive behaviors are also seen. In these people, repetitive movements (touching, jumping), unusual responses to people, attachment to objects, or resistance to change are also seen, and may also occur in the five senses (sight, hearing, hearing, smell, and taste). Unusual sensitivities are seen. At the heart of Autism Disorder is communication disorder.

There are three types of autism spectrum disorders in people with autism spectrum disorder:

Social interaction: Staying away from social interaction, social interaction appearing inaccurate or strange, unwillingness to share one's experiences, and lack of social or emotional interaction.

Communication: such as delayed onset of speech in childhood, inability to participate in conversation, repetitive use of language, use of non-verbal communication and understanding it such as facial expressions and body language.

Limited repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests and activities: such as desire and fascination for one or more specific forms, limited patterns of interest, inflexible engagement with daily routines, desire and interest in a part of objects

Physical factors of educational environment:
One of the dimensions of the educational environment of autistic children is physical factors. While its effects on motivation and desire for education cannot be ignored, the physical factors related to the educational environments of autistic children are categorized as follows:
Light and related factors such as amount and intensity of light, type of light (natural or artificial)
2. The external dimensions of the classroom include the walls, doors and floors of the classroom, per capita area and per capita space
3. Color and its effect on education and educational environments
4. Class heating and ventilation
5. Acoustic status
6.Organizing spaces
7. Material and woven materials

Color and its meaning:

Color is a mental phenomenon, that is, our perception of waves of different wavelengths. In other words, our influence is of different wavelengths that make color. According to a physicist, light color has a definite and recordable wavelength. One physiologist considers color to be the only effect of light on certain cells and stimulates organs. But in general, color is as a visual element to describe the subject of the work and its characteristics, and as a symbolic and metaphorical element that shows the deep and inner meanings of the work and its components. The world we are looking at consists of two important visual elements, form and color, which are necessary for each other. Color is important for everyone and has a special position in education. It is necessary for all people to understand this phenomenon. Pay special attention, of course, it goes without saying that each color, due to its properties, has an effect on the psyche of people, which is not unrelated to their social and psychological behaviors and actions. A psychologist who pays special attention to the relationship between the mind and color considers it inherent and inseparable from the psyche, so that color creates different feelings in people depending on the cultural context of individuals, if this issue is considered in the choice of colors. It can cause beard and confusion. Even colors cause different physiological responses in blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory system, digestion and body temperature.
Colors, like humans, are related to each other in different ways and have common tastes and traits or, conversely, are heterogeneous and contrasting with each other. It may be thought that orange and red are also opposites while they are placed side by side in a color circle and are in harmony. Harmony in color is like harmony in musical notes, and in creating a suitable and eye-catching harmony like a piece of music. Color can improve attention span by avoiding a monotonous environment. It can also increase students' concentration through mental stimulation. As a result, it increases utility and accuracy. Color can moderate temporal perception, reduce destructive and violent behaviors, and can even increase student absenteeism in schools.

Psychological effects of colors

Environmental psychology research has proven that the type of color combination used in space affects the mental state of humans. And the importance of this issue becomes clear when we pay attention to the fact that the time that these children spend in this closed space is very long and in this age range, environmental influences are the most important. Looking at the different researches that have been done over time for the effect of each particular color, it is possible to determine more precisely what colors are suitable for the educational spaces of these children.
Each color has a special effect on humans in terms of cold and warmth. People with autism, when they see any color, have reactions in them that cause interactions in their realm and psyche. These reactions that occur after observing colors indicate the mental and psychological effect of colors and may Can be used in different ways, for example, blue helps them to express their inner issues and relax, but it should be known that the effects of colors and mental perceptions and brain capacity of people with autism are different. White reflects light and makes the space appear larger. However, excessive use of white may create a cold and harsh atmosphere that induces insecurity. This color creates an unfamiliar and alien feeling for patients who are trying to regain their mental and physical health. This color does not have soothing properties, colors such as cream and neutral gray are considered, and this reduces self-confidence and therefore lack of resistance.
It is recommended not to use yellow in painting environments where critical tasks are performed, including their educational environment. This conclusion goes back to the stimulant nature of yellow, which causes lack of concentration and peace of mind. The use of magenta in the environment creates a feeling of security and confidence in the space. Experience has shown that pink is the most effective color in the environment that helps to calm and suppress aggressive behaviors. An organization in California found that if children put an aggressor in a pink bubble, they would immediately want to calm down. Studies show that pink is a good color for children with learning disabilities, especially people with autism. Bright colors, especially warm colors (red, orange and yellow) cause mental alertness and increase the specific activities and IQ of people with autism. Therefore, colors should be used more. Classes in light blue or greenish yellow have far more effects than classrooms with gray walls. According to research, inexperienced and irresponsible children should use the opposite color. Designing an educational space for children with autism is a very sensitive and difficult task because the environment soon becomes dull for them. Due to the important role of education, the color of educational spaces should be such as to provide the ground for their growth and prosperity. One of the most important issues in this field is the reconciliation between the psychological theories of color and its proper application in the design of educational spaces.

The role of colors in educating children with autism

No one can deny the effects of colors in education, especially for children with autism. Therefore, it is necessary to be aware of the importance of colors in all stages of designing the educational space for children with autism, and according to this awareness, try to use each color in its place so that its positive effects can be seen over time. It is necessary to make some appropriate arrangements to create a kind of balance between these children and the space around them. And in the shadow of this friendship and fascination, learning can be done easily and with pleasure. It is generally accepted that architects, with the correct and psychological use of colors specific to these children, provide a very good background for students to expand their learning and a kind of inner and outer peace. For example, a class that is painted with a warm and cheerful color is much easier and faster to teach and learn than a class that is painted with a dark color and shows a kind of boredom and self-absorption. . Therefore, in order to achieve a good and constructive goal and the optimal use of colors in education, it is necessary to use colors appropriate to their moods in different ways and in specific places.

Colors and children with autism

Research has shown that colors affect human mood and their therapeutic use has a long history. In general, light colors are exciting and dark colors have a calming effect. However, the effect of certain colors on children with autism is not always constant, so it may be necessary to use trial and error with several different colors to determine the color that is appropriate for each child. In addition, the effect of color may be lessened after a person has been in the area for some time. The general rule for the effect and properties of colors is as follows
1.Red: Stimulates the mind
Blue: Relaxing, lowers blood pressure.2
. Bright yellow: represents light, can cause arousal.3.
Pale yellow, soothing4
. Green: soothing, evocative of nature and creativity
- Orange: can cause irritation and arousal.6
7. Pink or red flower: soothing

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