When it comes to the problems of children with autism, it usually involves hurting oneself and others, barking and fussing, as you know a particular behavioral problem can come from a variety of factors, this complexity when it comes to autism. Communication becomes much more complicated.
One of the important topics in studying the behavior of children with autism is different behaviors in different situations and places due to the lack of generalization of specific behavior to different situations and different sensory characteristics from one place to another. For example, it may cause cramps and The disorder of a child with autism in school is loud noise, the smell of detergents, the reflection of non-standard lamps, etc., which has a sensory underpinning. In studies and studies of children with autism at the same level who were in homogeneous groups, those who were in standard environmental conditions had significantly less crunching and disorientation than other children.
Another factor that must be considered in children with autism is the weakness of autistic children in socializing with others. Given that children who are able to communicate verbally and express their desires and wishes have less behavioral problems than children who do not have this ability.
Therefore, improving a child's speech ability spontaneously eliminates some of the specific behavioral problems of a child with autism.
The use of communication strategies such as PECS video communication system, etc. can be a great help to these children in reducing behavioral problems caused by poor communication.
Even some sensory problems are not ineffective in the social skill situation, for example, auditory incoherence leads to the perception of sounds instead of understanding the meaning of heard speech and makes it difficult for a person to learn verbal comprehension.
Occurrence Sometimes the behavioral problems of autistic children appear when the person is overly excited. Excessive excitement causes some abnormal behavioral reactions such as throwing objects and shouting irrational emotions.
Here are some effective ways to control emotions in children with autism.
1- If possible, do not put the child with autism in exciting situations without prior preparation, and prepare in advance, such as visual, verbal, etc., appropriate to the child's level.
2. The need to teach the recognition of emotions and its correct expression according to the mental level of a person with autism, for example, put any image that shows a certain emotion on the correct position.
3- Using a token boost, teach a person with autism to control their emotions and desires and assign them to a suitable situation at a specific time.
4- Preparing a video program in which events and happenings are fully predictable.
Sometimes children with autism, due to inactivity, deplete their stored energy together in an abnormal behavior, and placing appropriate exercise with the child's level of ability has a great effect on eliminating the behaviors caused by this.
Food allergies are one of the most important and influential factors in the behavior of children with autism.
People with autism are exposed to a lot of allergies and poisonings.
The impact of nutritional factors leads to heartburn and deep disturbances in children with autism. And the ultimate response to allergies is abnormal behaviors and persistent restlessness that directly affect the optimal level of child attention.