
Autism in adulthood and puberty

People with autism also enter the stage of adolescence and puberty and enjoy the various changes that exist in this period, including the emergence of secondary sexual traits and sexual orientation, with the difference that this group faces more obstacles due to its problems.
This group of adolescents is deprived of the use of educational resources due to cognitive, social, communication, and verbal comprehension problems, which in some way require mental and communication skills, and on the other hand, their limited communication with society intensifies this process. And adolescents with autism do not learn how to control their sexuality and express themselves according to human laws.
Their desire is normal, but their moral development is incomplete.
It should be noted that the normal person in the process of development learns to maintain their sexual desires wherever and whenever they do not, to maintain the sanctity of incest and to be subject to the ruling system in satisfying their sexual desires. These social rules and regulations are powerless and so-called immature, meaning that in principle he has not learned to express his desires and desires in a socially friendly way, so if we see unprincipled sexual behavior in adolescents or young people with autism, we must accept that the origin It is the lack of moral and social dimensions that govern society in his mind that has led to the manifestation of such behaviors.
Adolescent boys with autism face more problems than girls during puberty
The main reason for this can be said that because puberty occurs later in boys than girls, and this age is such that most adolescents need to communicate with society, whether they like it or not, this increase in communication in Venice society is reflected. Society aggravates the problems of sexual maturity in boys due to their sexual problems.
It should be noted that people with autism are not much different in appearance from normal people, and also on the other hand, public awareness of this disorder and its symptoms is limited. If the abnormal sexual behavior of this teenager is negative perceptions of it and also the photo. People's reactions to these behaviors will be very negative, and these reactions are very dangerous for adolescents with autism and their families.
To solve these problems, it is necessary to train children with autism before they enter puberty. These trainings should start from the family. The father or older brother should give this training to the child with autism in such a way that the questions Respond to the gender that these children feel they have in proportion to their age and ability to understand.