One of the complementary methods of rehabilitation of people with autism is considered to be a suitable conditions for the sensory integration of children with autism by providing a multi-sensory environment
One of the complementary methods of rehabilitation of people with autism is considered to be a suitable conditions for the sensory integration of children with autism by providing a multi-sensory environment
ContinueIt is one of the standardized environments based on the sensory needs of people with autism. Controlling additional stimuli and gradually increasing sensory stimuli improves increased attention and concentration and improves the level of cognition of a person with autism
ContinueOne of the most effective interventions in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder. Part of this method, which is known as occupational therapy with horses, emphasizes the balance and motor skills of these people and by increasing the relationship between a person with autism and a horse, it increases ...
ContinueThe ball pool is a sensory and engaging environment for children with autism to engage with deep sense and craftsmanship. The sand pool is a rich sensory environment to stimulate the sense of touch and manipulation of children with autism. Increasing the creativity of one of ...
ContinuePlay therapy is a way to help children with problems cope with their problems. This method is used as a tool to communicate between the child and the therapist
ContinueAutism is a developmental neurological disorder that affects the development of a child in the early years
ContinuePsychology is the study of behavior and cognitive mental processes, and counseling aims to increase adaptation and reduce personal anxiety and stress
ContinueThe use of painting is used to coordinate the eyes and hands, to increase the motor skills of the sides, to recognize the color, to facilitate the handicraft skills for people with autism spectrum disorder. Some people with autism have special talents and attention to detail ...
ContinueMany studies show that music and music therapy techniques have significant positive effects in treating people with autism and improving their behavior. As we know, children and adults with autism from direct contact with others ...
ContinuePhysical and Mental Occupational Therapy