
Psychological consequences of the new coronavirus in children

Psychological consequences of the new coronavirus in children

Psychological consequences of the new coronavirus in children

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Psychological consequences of the new coronavirus in children

25 May 1400
The prevalence of Covid 19 can be associated with psychological consequences and problems in children. A review of published research in this field reveals some of these consequences, which are mentioned below.

1-Increased Behavioral and Emotional Problems: Closing schools and quarantining at home reduces children's physical activity and social interactions, which can lead to increased behavioral and emotional problems. Based on problems such as hyperactivity, nightmares, fatigue and boredom, low appetite, anxiety, irritability and inattention are some of the emotional and behavioral problems seen during coronary heart disease.

2 - Problems related to self-regulation: The prevalence of Covid 19 with problems such as self-regulation due to changing bedtime, watching TV for a long time and constant use of smartphones for homework, changes the normal course of life of adults and children. These can cause psychological problems for children.

3- Anxiety and fear: Due to the outbreak of Covid 19 disease and the quarantine of children in the home environment and news related to this disease, such as rapid transmission of the disease and death, children suffer from fear and anxiety. Fear of loss and parents, anxiety of developing anemia in children is seen.
Covid 19 disease has a high prevalence. This leads to increased stress and anxiety in parents, which can be associated with increased stress and anxiety in some children.

4- Adaptation Problems and Coping Strategies: Many children who go to school show adjustment problems when the school closes due to Covid disease. In the school environment, the child usually has many social interactions with his friends. Research shows that with the closure of schools and the reduction of social activities as a result of Covid 19 disease, children's interactions, especially with peers, are reduced. Decreased peer interaction is associated with problems in social adjustment.

5. Experience Abuse and Emotional Harassment: Deciding to close a job at the height of the Covid 19 outbreak may cause financial problems for some families, which can lead to increased family conflict. Increasing family conflicts will often lead to child abuse. Economic problems and family conflicts seem to affect the pattern of parenting and the cycle of parent-child interaction.

6. Increased severity of psychological problems in children: Children with some psychological disorders such as attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder or autism disorder during quarantine due to the prevalence of Covid 19, with problems receiving appropriate treatment and intervention, behavior control and self-regulation, Recurrence and recurrence are associated with improved symptoms. These children may not be able to cope well with the condition caused by Covid 19 disease.

7. Depression and stress after injury: Staying at home is not pleasant for many children and this can lead to the experience of loneliness and eventually depression. Children who lose a family member to the disease show signs of post-traumatic stress or acute stress due to their inability to mourn and suppress grief.

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