
Adaptation and adjustment in deep sense dysfunctions

Adaptation and adjustment in deep sense dysfunctions

Adaptation and adjustment in deep sense dysfunctions

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Adaptation and adjustment in deep sense dysfunctions

22 May 2020
The deep system plays a primary role in providing information for bilateral control and coordination in the central nervous system. Deep sensory receptors include specific receptors on muscles, joints, and skin that are stimulated by active movement of muscles and joints. Pushing and pulling activities provide the highest inputs. The deep system plays an important role in the development of fine and fine motor skills. Proper operation of this system leads to flexible and integrated kinetic outputs. Deep sense, by giving basic information about the state of the body, forms a model of the state of the body called the body schema. This schema is integrated subcortically, but understanding and awareness of it has a cortical process.
Physical schema is the basis of body image and is effective in the growth and development of self-image in the individual. Having a positive self-image is the foundation of many functional successes. With the help of depth sense, a person is able to determine the spatial orientation of the body or its components in space, the speed of movement, the amount of muscle force and the speed of muscle stretching. Given the above, weakness in sensory processing can impair the performance of fine and coarse motor skills and bilateral body coordination.
The following exercises are recommended to improve the condition of children with profound dysfunction:
The child listens to music while sitting on a physiotherapy ball or chair.
Wearing a weight belt or a backpack with a number of weights can be helpful.
Use non-slip mats on the child seat to prevent the child from slipping off the seat.
Use non-slip pieces to hold pieces of paper or sheets in place.
Standing on a table, going up and down stairs, can help strengthen a deep sense.
Provide thick pencil holders so that the child can hold the pencil in his hand.
Use adjustable waist belts.
Give the child a tennis ball to push.
Having a close relationship with occupational therapists and physiotherapists and learning their techniques can be effective in learning effective strategies to improve deep dysfunctions.
Let the child hug a teddy bear or any other type of doll.
Carrying heavy objects or holding a few heavy objects while sitting can help.
Putting a child in a sleeping bag and swaddling him or her in a swaddling position is helpful for many children with sensory dysfunction with a strong sense of deep pressure.
Dip one foot into warm paraffin 3 times, pausing between layers to allow them to dry
Or cover with a few heavy blankets and apply deep pressure. In this regard, the training of occupational therapists and physiotherapists can be useful.
Joint massage is very effective.
Transporting equipment, tug of war, crumpling newspapers, throwing heavy balls and pushing objects
Heavy can be effective in improving the sense of depth

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